Petition for Before Crisis: Help with your vote!


Project Turks Delta

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With this petition the team of CetraConnection will try to give Square Enix an impulse for a worldwide release.
We also want to explore and find out all secrets of Final Fantasy VII, including the story of the Turks and the beginning of Avalanche.

It was possible to release „Final Fantasy IV: The After Years“ for WiiWare worldwide. You see, it shouldn’t be a problem to do the same with „Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII“, right?

Why is this petition so unique?

Everyone of this planet is qualified for participate.
The 11th of November 2009 we set as our final date of the petition. After this, we’ll sent our final result to Square Enix to show them that Final Fantasy has an enormous community of Fans worldwide and isn’t limited to single states or continents.
We want to show them that this game is also important to us!

PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS or something else?

When you participate for this petition you can choose one of four options, on which platform you would like to see Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII. We chose the two actual handhelds “PlayStation Portable” and “Nintendo DS”, Other for something else which should be described shortly in your comment if chosen.
The last Option is „Not Important“, for all who don’t care the platform, if there is at least a Release-Chance.

The option to choose a console is no guarantee. It serves Square Enix as Inspiration, not more or less.
Controverse discussions to the single handhelds are not welcome.


We want to show you some inspirations to the single, possible version for NDS or PSP and highlight some ideas.

This point serves only for imagination, covers are fan-made and screenshots are from another, exsisting games.

Nintendo DS Version:

DS Before Crisis

It would be possible to port the Mobile Phone-Version as NDSi-Version the camera feature should be possible. The game graphics would be a enhanced with animated sequences.
This version would be as charming as the original.

Here you’ll find some screenshots of the handygame for inspiration, you’ll find here.

BC 1a BC 2a BC 3a BC 4a BC 5a BC 6a BC 7a

This point serves only for imagination, covers are fan-made and screenshots are from another, exsisting games.

PlayStation Portable Version:

PSP Before Crisis

It would take some time if they would release “Before Crisis” in the style of „Crisis Core“. The usage of the Go!Cam could be possible, but there should overthink a camera-free version also.
The game could be presented very well if it would be enhanced like the graphics of Crisis Core.
With synchronization and significant details the game could have a great marketingstrategy like Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII which sold two milion times until now.

We took the screenshots from Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII because you can see the Turks there.
It’s only for inspiration how it could look like, we all know the potential of Square Enix so this should be possible.

BC 1 BC 2 BC 3 BC 4BC 5 BC 6 BC 7

This point serves only for imagination, covers are fan-made and screenshots are from another, exsisting games.

How can I participate? What should I do and consider?

We are serious with this petition and we hope we can impress Square Enix and let them think about it.

We ask to consider the following:

  • First click on one banner at the beginning or end of this news to go to the petition form. Alternative use this link.
  • If you want to participate, we ask for your real name NOT a nickname.
  • Your email adress will be required to confirm your sign.
  • Next, choose your preferred handheld, for “Other” write down your idea in your comment (short) and with “Not Important” you don’t specialize anything, if there is at least a chance for a release.
  • Fill in your citizenship, best would be in English.
  • Optional, you can write something in the comment-section, but please keep it short with max. 3 lines.
  • Handheld-Haters of all sides are warned not to write anything bad about the hated console. We try everything to make this all happen and Square Enix is the authority who’ll decide at all.
  • Click “sign the petition” and your participation will be registered. You’ll get an email including a link which has to be clicked to confirm your sign. After this, your vote will be complete and shown!



Max Mustermann
I love FF7 and wish to add Before Crisis to my collection!

End of the petition

The Petition will be closed on the 11th of November 2009 at 11:00 PM GMT+1, local German Time. Then we will send the results to Square Enix and see what will happen next.

We’re happy if you participate!

Your team of CetraConnection


Über den Autor

September 2007 trat Legend of Dragon der CetraConnection als News-Schreiber bei und gehört damit zum kleinen Team, das die Seite vor der Aufgabe rettete. Zusammen mit Zero_Alpha übernahm er 2009 die Position des Webmasters und brachte sich ab dann vermehrt mit designtechnischen Dingen ein. Ende 2011 verließ er aus Zeitmangel das Projekt.