Ich überles das *kotz* über meinem Lieblings Final Fantasy Teil einfach mal wie ein Gentleman XD.
Also es sieht sehr viel schneller aus.
Aus der neusten Famitsu kam diese beschreibung der Aktionsleiste und als ichs auf der Gamescom spielte war es trotz 3 Attacken schon dynamischer als der Vorgänger.
The player selects which action or ability they wish to use and it registers to their right-hand or left-hand gauge, depending on which hand holds the associated equipment. For example, a sword may use the right-hand gauge, but a shield held in the left-hand would use the left-hand gauge.
If the Action Gauge is full, the command will activate. If not, it will activate once the Action Gauge is stored to full. If the player has a full Action Gauge and does not activate an ability, they will begin to store up their Power Gauge. This gauge will increase the strength and accuracy of your techniques. There will also be a TP Gauge that will affect your techniques in unique ways. While the Action and Power gauges increase over time, the TP gauge increases when you land an attack or are struck by the enemy.